About Us
Welcome to the Heritage Science Laboratory at the University of Ljubljana. The lab is based at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology and consists of a diverse group of researchers addressing interdisciplinary heritage science research questions. These often require cutting edge scientific skills and facilities, but also a highly collaborative approach to research. To read more about what shapes our research philosophy, consider this editorial by the Lab Lead, professor Matija Strlič.

We have led EU collaborative projects focussed on the development of non-destructive characterisation of cultural heritage (SurveNIR, PAPYLUM), and collaborated in projects on the development and evaluation of new conservation interventions (InkCor, Laclepa) and preventive conservation strategies (GreenArt, APACHE, PaperVOC). Recently, our work has focused on the development of heritage science infrastructure (E-RIHS IP, E-RIHS PP, Iperion HS) and new methods to be be offered to users in the future European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science, including its Slovenian node.
The research projects are underpinned by two stable funding grants: Research Programme N-DAD and Infrastructure Programme E-RIHS.SI.
The Lab has been actively supporting the development of E-RIHS, the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science. Its Slovenian node, E-RIHS.SI, supports the leading role of Slovenian heritage science and its international involvement, and enables access to unique research infrastructure and knowledge available in Slovenia.
Below is a list of the main laboratory facilities, organised under meaningful headings, available to our researchers and anyone wishing to collaborate with us. We specialise particularly in environmental monitoring and assessment, as well as characterisation of heritage materials, and have an extensive collection of reference material available for research.
- Temperature/RH Monitoring
- VOC Monitoring
- Light Monitoring
- Pollutant Monitoring
- Climate Chambers (T, RH)
- Pollution Ageing
- Light Ageing
- Degradation Modelling
- Thermal Desorption (TDS)
- Gas Chromatography (GC)
- Mass Spectrometry (MS)
- Size-Exclusion Chrom. (SEC)
- Ion Chromatography (IC)
- High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
- 3D digital microscope
- Colorimetry
- Microfadometry
- IR and NIR Spectrometry
- Hyperspectral Imaging