David Ribar, associated with the HSLL team, is masters student at the Faculty of chemistry and chemical technology, University of Ljubljana. His bachelor thesis ”Development of a reverse-phase chromatographic separation model based upon Hansen solubility parameters”, completed under the mentorship of prof. dr. Irena Kralj Cigić, earned him the prestigious Krka award for student research projects. In his thesis, David focused on phthalates in particular, as the determination of their solubility parameters could be of particular interest to their migration in degraded PVC.

Reverse-phase HPLC is one of the most important analytical techniques in academia and industry. The fundamental retention mechanism remains largely unexplained due to its immense complexity, while accurate and robust predictions of analyte retention still represent one of the main goals of modern chromatographic research. The bachelor’s thesis is concerned with the development of an original mathematical model for predicting the retention of selected analytes under reverse-phase chromatographic conditions, utilizing thermodynamic Hansen solubility parameters and computationally derived analyte cavitation volumes. The effects of temperature, mobile phase and stationary phase variations are also investigated. For more information please visit: https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/Dokument.php?id=144669&lang=slv
The HSLL team congratulates David on this well-deserved academic achievement!