Synthetic polymers dominate many contemporary art and design collections and are rapidly becoming a significant conservation concern. Surveys have shown that PVC can represent 13% of all plastic objects in such collections and that cellulose acetate, cellulose nitrate and PVC represent 40% of all objects in poor state. With the new and exciting forms of artistic expression that synthetic materials enable, their prevalence is set to increase in the future, which makes the need to understand PVC ever more pressing, as one of the three main “problem” polymers in collections.

Figure 1: Examples of iconic PVC art and design objects. Left: Essuie-mains / Hygiène de l’art, 1971 (inv. no. AM 2006-114), middle: Fauteuil Blow, 1967 (inv. no. AM 2007-1-38), right: Plafonnier, 1968 (inv. no. AM 2007-1-5) from MNAM, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France.
So far, there has been no major international or national research effort to understand and address the issue of preventive conservation of PVC. Although there is a vast body of knowledge on PVC degradation in the polymer engineering literature, much of it is of limited relevance to degradation at room temperature, which needs to be studied and understood in order to develop evidence-based preventive conservation guidance. Of particular interest will be processes that represent conservation concerns such as discolouration, surface stickiness and cracking, during conditions of long-term storage.
The projects goals are:
- To recognize the fundamental link between chemical degradation and mechanical damage and using this information to develop preventive conservation guidelines for modern heritage and art collections made from poly(vinyl chloride) – PVC.
Planned research:
- Survey real heritage collections using non-destructive analytical tools to determine material composition as well as to quantify the extent of damage by measuring colour, quantifying surface deposits of additives and by measuring the extent of cracking in historical objects.
- In-depth scientific research into more than 70 sacrificial historical samples of PVC in order to obtain compositional data. With these well-defined samples, we will carry out accelerated degradation experiments at various conditions in order to assess the rates of degradation.
- Quantify the accumulated damage and develop models, i.e. damage functions, that quantitatively describe the relationship between rate of degradation, environmental conditions and sample composition.
- Develop preventive conservation scenarios, exploring how the rates of degradation can be slowed down at various combinations of environmental parameters.
The project (N1-0241) is funded through the CEUS scheme in collaboration between NCN (Narodowe Centrum Nauki) and ARRS (Slovenian Research Agency) and involves:
- Jagiellonian University, Poland (Krzysztof Ryszard Kruczała)
- Jerzy Haber Institute of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland (Łukasz Bratasz)
- Heritage Science Laboratory Ljubljana at UL Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology (Matija Strlič, Irena Kralj Cigić)
In collaboration with:
- CRICOTEKA – Centre for Documentation of the Art of Tadeusz Kantor, Krakow
- Muzej za arhitekturo in oblikovanje, Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana
- Centre Pompidou, Paris
Please contact us for further information or to establish collaboration.
Scientific achievements:
- KRUCZAŁA Krzysztof; RIJAVEC Tjaša; PAWCENIS Dominika; STRLIČ Matija; KRALJ CIGIĆ Irena, 2024, “The significance of sample preparation of historical and contemporary poly(vinyl chloride) objects to investigate the distribution and changes of molar mass by SEC‑MALS‑dRI – research data”,
- RIJAVEC, Tjaša, RIBAR, David, MARKELJ, Jernej, STRLIČ, Matija in KRALJ CIGIĆ, Irena, 2022, Machine learning-assisted non-destructive plasticizer identification and quantification in historical PVC objects based on IR spectroscopy [na spletu]. 2022. [Dostopano 21 marec 2025].
- NOVAK Morana, GRAU-BOVÉ Josep, RIJAVEC Tjaša, KRAŠEVEC Ida, KRALJ CIGIĆ Irena, DE STEFANI Costanza,CHECKLEY-SCOTT Caroline, STRLIČ Matija. A quantitative study of acetic acid emissions from historical cellulose acetate at room conditions. npj Herit. Sci. 13, 22 (2025).
- RIJAVEC Tjaša, BUJOK Sonia, ANROPOLOV Sergii, NEWSOME G. Asher, GRAU-BOVÉ Josep, KRALJ CIGIĆ Irena, KRUCZAŁA Krzysztof, BRATASZ Łukasz, STRLIČ Matija. Heritage PVC objects: Understanding the diffusion-evaporation of plasticizers. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2025, volume 235.
- SAAD Marwa, BUJOK Sonja, KRUCZAŁA Krzysztof. Non-destructive detection and identification of plasticizers in PVC objects
by means of machine learning-assisted Raman spectroscopy. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2024, vol. 322 - ELNAGGAR Abdelrazek. Nine principles of green heritage science: life cycle assessment as a tool enabling green transformation. Heritage Science, 2024 12:13 [COBISS.SI-ID 180581123]
- MALTAR, Nika, KRALJ CIGIĆ, Irena, MADŽARAC, Nada, DORIČ, Nina, TRČEK PEČAK, Tamara. Hranjenje in razstavljanje slike Andraža Šalamuna iz zbirke Moderne galerije v Ljubljani = Čuvanje i izlaganje slike Andraža Šalamuna iz zbirke Moderne galerije u Ljubljani = Preserving and exhibiting a painting by Andraž Šalamun from the collection of the Museum of Modern Art in Ljubljana. V: TRČEK PEČAK, Tamara (ur.), et al. Od blizu : ohranjanje, varovanje ter konserviranje-restavriranje modernih in sodobnih umetniških del = Izbliza : očuvanje, zaštita i konzerviranje-restauriranje modernih i suvremenih umjetničkih djela = Up close : preservation, protection, and conservation-restoration of modern and contemporary works of art. Ljubljana: Akademija za likovno umetnost in oblikovanje Univerze v Ljubljani: = The Academy of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Ljubljana: Moderna galerija: = The Museum of Modern Art; Zagreb: Muzej suvremene umjetnosti: = The Museum of Contemporary Art, 2024. Str. 370-387, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-7009-24-8, ISBN 978-961-206-104-3, ISBN 978-953-370-030-4. [COBISS.SI-ID 192251395]
BUJOK Sonia, PAŃCZYK Tomasz, SZUTKOWSKI Kosma, ANIOŁ Dominika, ANTROPOV Sergii, KRUCZAŁA Krzysztof, BRATASZ Łukasz. Migration of phthalate plasticisers in heritage objects made of poly(vinyl chloride): Mechanical and environmental aspects. Journal of Environmental Management, Volume 375, 2025,
RIJAVEC, Tjaša, PAWCENIS, Dominika, KRUCZAŁA, Krzysztof, STRLIČ, Matija, KRALJ CIGIĆ, Irena. The significance of sample preparation of historical and contemporary poly(vinyl chloride) objects to investigate the distribution and changes of molar mass by SEC-MALS-dRI. Heritage science. 28 Jul. 2023, vol. 11, [article no.] 155, str. 1-12, ilustr. ISSN 2050-7445., Repozitorij Univerze v Ljubljani – RUL, DOI: 10.1186/s40494-023-01003-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 160389891]
- RIJAVEC Tjaša, STRLIČ Matija, KRALJ CIGIĆ Irena. Damage function for poly(vinyl chloride) in heritage collections. Polymer degradation and stability, 2023, vol. 211, pp. 1-9. [COBISS.SI-ID 146266371]
- RIJAVEC Tjaša, RIBAR David, MARKELJ Jernej, STRLIČ Matija, KRALJ CIGIĆ Irena. Combining spectroscopy with machine learning for the analysis of plasticizers in modern and contemporary PVC. Chem-CH: 6th International Conference Chemistry for Cultural Heritage, 4.-8. July 2022, Ravenna, Italy (p. 22). [COBISS.SI-ID 116291587]
- RIJAVEC, Tjaša. Characterisation and degradation of poly(vinyl chloride) in historical and contemporary objects = Karakterizacija in razgradnja poli(vinil klorida) v zgodovinskih in sodobnih predmetih : doctoral dissertation. Ljubljana: [T. Rijavec], 2024. 147 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 181569283]
- RIJAVEC Tjaša, STRLIČ Matija, KRALJ CIGIĆ Irena. Plastics in heritage collections: poly(vinyl chloride) degradation and characterization. Acta chimica slovenica, 2020, vol. 67, no. 4, pp. 993-1013. [COBISS.SI-ID 40947715]
Conference presentations:
- RIJAVEC, Tjaša, POK, Špela, KRALJ CIGIĆ, Irena, STRLIČ, Matija. Determination of acidic emissions from heritage PVC objects : [lecture]. V: IAQ 2024 : The International Conference on Indoor Air Quality in Heritage and Historic Environments : November 18-20, 2024, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York USA. [New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2024]. Str. 21-22. [COBISS.SI-ID 219929603]
Sonia Bujok, Tomasz Pańczyk, Kosma Szutkowski, Dominika Anioł, Sergii Antropov, Krzysztof Kruczała, Łukasz Bratasz (poster). Migracja plastyfikatorów w obiektach dziedzictwa wykonanych z poli(chlorku winylu). Analiza Chemiczna w Ochronie Zabytków XXIV, 28-29.11.2024 Warsaw, Poland
Marwa Saad, Marek Bucki, Sonia Bujok, Dominika Pawcenis, Tjaša Rijavec, Karol Górecki, Łukasz Bratasz, Irena Kralj Cigić, Matija Strlič, Krzysztof Kruczała. Effect of accelerated thermal degradation of poly(vinyl chloride): the case of unplasticised PVC. 11th conference of the Modification, Degradation, Stabilization of Polymers Society MoDeSt 24, 1-7.09.2024 Palermo, Italy
Karol Górecki, Sonia Bujok, Łukasz Bratasz, Krzysztof Kruczała. The effect of the plasticiser type on the thermal degradation of poly(vinyl chloride): multimodal spectroscopic analysis. 11th conference of the Modification, Degradation, Stabilization of Polymers Society MoDeSt 2024, 01-04.09.2024, Palermo, Italy
Krzysztof Kruczała, Marwa Saad, Marek Bucki, Sonia Bujok, Dominika Pawcenis, Tjaša Rijavec, Karol Górecki, Łukasz Bratasz, Irena Kralj Cigić, Matija Strlič. Towards the understanding of the thermal degradation behavior of the rigid and plasticized poly(vinyl chloride). 11th conference of the Modification, Degradation, Stabilization of Polymers Society MoDeSt 24, 1-7.09.2024 Palermo, Italy
Sonia Bujok, Łukasz Bratasz. Risk of mechanical damage to heritage PVC objects: influence of plasticiser migration. Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research (Advances and Challenges in Heritage Materials Characterization and Data Interpretation), 7-12.07.2024 Les Diablerets, Switzerland
Karol Górecki, Sonia Bujok, Krzysztof Kruczała. Elucidating the role of plasticiser in the degradation of plastics – investigation of poly(vinyl chloride) and its key plasticisers. XV Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa “Horyzonty Nauki”, 07-08.06.2024, Kraków, Poland
Krzysztof Kruczała, Marek Bucki, Marwa Saad, Karol Górecki, Dominika Pawcenis, Sonia Bujok, Łukasz Bratasz. Effects of Artificial Ageing on Plasticized Poly(vinyl chloride). LVI Ogólnopolskie Kolokwium Katalityczne, 20-22.03.2024, Kraków, Poland
Marwa Saad, Sonia Bujok, Krzysztof Kruczała. Machine Learning-assisted Raman Spectroscopy to Identify Plasticizers in PVC Heritage Objects. LVI Ogólnopolskie Kolokwium Katalityczne, 20-22.03.2024, Kraków, Poland
Karol Górecki, Sonia Bujok, Krzysztof Kruczała. Understanding the Thermal Degradation of Poly(vinyl chloride) Plasticisers – a Case Study of Key Representatives. LVI Ogólnopolskie Kolokwium Katalityczne, 20-22.03.2024, Kraków, Poland
- POK Špela, RIJAVEC Tjaša, KRALJ CIGIĆ Irena, STRLIČ Matija. Degradation of model poly(vinyl chloride) heritage objects by dehydrochlorination: [lecture]. Postgraduate chemical sciences 2024: PRECISE2024. Published online 2024:37. [COBISS.SI-ID 198751747]
- POK Špela, RIJAVEC Tjaša, KRALJ CIGIĆ Irena, STRLIČ Matija. Polymertec, International Conference, in Conference Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Polymers 18. International Conference „Polymertec 24“: together with the 18th Conference „Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Polymers“: book of abstracts: lectures and posters: 19-20 June 2024, [at the Merseburg University of Applied Sciences]. Institut für Polymerwerkstoffe (p.61) [COBISS.SI-ID 200568323]
- POK, Špela, RIJAVEC, Tjaša, KRALJ CIGIĆ, Irena, STRLIČ, Matija. Pregled plastičnih materialov v zbirkah MG+MSUM : poročilo. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Laboratorij za dediščinsko znanost Ljubljana, 2024. 1 USB ključ, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 212050435]
- POK, Špela, RIJAVEC, Tjaša, KRALJ CIGIĆ, Irena, STRLIČ, Matija. Pregled plastičnih materialov v zbirkah MG+MSUM : poročilo. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Laboratorij za dediščinsko znanost Ljubljana, 2024. 1 USB ključ, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 212050435]
- POK, Špela, RIJAVEC, Tjaša, KRALJ CIGIĆ, Irena, STRLIČ, Matija. Pregled plastičnih materialov v zbirkah Pokrajinskega muzeja Maribor : poročilo. Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani, fakulteta za kemijo in kemijsko tehnologijo, Laboratorij za dediščinsko znanost Ljubljana, 2024. 1 USB ključ, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 212051459]
- POK Špela, RIJAVEC Tjaša, KRALJ CIGIĆ Irena, STRLIČ Matija. Degradation by dehydrochlorination of poly(vinyl chloride) heritage objects: [oral presentation]. 7th International Congress on Chemistry for Cultural Heritage: ChemCH [Internet]. 2024;52–53. [COBISS.SI-ID 202025475]
- NEWSOME, G. Asher, RIJAVEC, Tjaša, BRIGHT, Leah. Application and accessibility improvements for real-time, minimally invasive, non-proximate sampling of conserved art objects : [keynote lecture]. V: IMSC2024 : International Mass Spectrometry Conference 2024 : August 17-23, Melbourne, Australia : abstract book : oral presentations. [S. l.: s. n.], 2024. Str. 415-416. [COBISS.SI-ID 211893251]
- POK, Špela, RIJAVEC, Tjaša, KRALJ CIGIĆ, Irena, STRLIČ, Matija. PVCare : advances in understanding of acidic gas emissions from poly(vinyl chloride). V: BRAČIČ, Matej (ur.), KREŽE, Tatjana (ur.). 2nd conference of the Slovenian node of the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science : book of abstracts : 13th November, 2024, University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia. Maribor: University of Maribor, 2024. Str. 49, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 224655107]
- POK Špela, RIJAVEC Tjaša, PAWCENIS Dominika, SAAD Marwa, BUCKI Marek, BUJOK Sonia, ANTROPOV Sergii, BRATASZ Łukasz, KRUCZAŁA Krzysztof, KRALJ CIGIĆ Irena, STRLIČ Matija. PVCare: Preventive Conservation Strategies for Poly(vinyl chloride) Objects. 1st conference of the Slovenian node of the European Research. University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Infrastructure for Heritage Science, 22nd November, 2023 [COBISS.SI-ID 18135680]
- RIJAVEC, Tjaša, ŠUBIC, Maja, PAWCENIS, Dominika, SAAD, Marwa, GÓRECKI, Karol, BUCKI, Marek, BUJOK, Sonia, ANTROPOV, Sergii, BRATASZ, Łukasz, KRUCZAŁA, Krzysztof, KRALJ CIGIĆ, Irena, STRLIČ, Matija. PVC : modelling of decay processes for improved preventive conservation : [keynote lecture]. V: Back, now, and then 2023 : understanding Dieter Roth’s POeMETRIE series & the age of plastics : bridging science and art : 12.-13. October 2023, Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna, Austria : symposium programme & book of abstracts. [S. l.: s. n.], 2023. Str. 22. [COBISS.SI-ID 183942915]
- RIJAVEC, Tjaša, BUJOK, Sonia, ANTROPOV, Sergii, NEWSOME, G. Asher, GRAU-BOVÉ, Josep, KRALJ CIGIĆ, Irena, KRUCZAŁA, Krzysztof, BRATASZ, Łukasz, STRLIČ, Matija. Non-destructive analysis of DEHP surface concentrations and diffusion-evaporation in heritage PVC objects : [oral presentation]. V: MoDeSt 2024 : 11th Conference of the Modification, Degradation, Stabilization of Polymers : book of abstracts : September 1-4, 2024, Palermo, Italy. [S. l.: s. n.], 2024. Str. 83-84. [COBISS.SI-ID 211791875]
- KRUCZAŁA, Krzysztof, SAAD, Marwa, BUCKI, Marek, BUJOK, Sonia, PAWCENIS, Dominika, RIJAVEC, Tjaša, GÓRECKI, Karol, BRATASZ, Łukasz, KRALJ CIGIĆ, Irena, STRLIČ, Matija. Towards the understanding of the thermal degradation behavior of the rigid and plasticized poly(vinyl chloride) : [oral presentation]. V: MoDeSt 2024 : 11th Conference of the Modification, Degradation, Stabilization of Polymers : book of abstracts : September 1-4, 2024, Palermo, Italy. [S. l.: s. n.], 2024. Str. 85-86, ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 211805443]
- RIJAVEC Tjaša. The effect of intrinsic and environmental parameters on the loss of plasticizers from PVC objects, Scientific Methods in Cultural Heritage Research Gordon Research Seminar, 9.-10. July 2022, Les Diablerets, Switzerland. [COBISS.SI-ID 119184131]
- RIJAVEC Tjaša, RIBAR David, MARKELJ Jernej, STRLIČ Matija, KRALJ CIGIĆ Irena. Combining spectroscopy with machine learning for the analysis of plasticizers in modern and contemporary PVC. Chem-CH: 6th International Conference Chemistry for Cultural Heritage, 4.-8. July 2022, Ravenna, Italy (p. 22). [COBISS.SI-ID 116291587]
- RIJAVEC Tjaša, KRALJ CIGIĆ Irena, STRLIČ Matija, Newsome, G. A. (2024). The power of swabs: non-destructive surface analysis of heritage PVC: [oral presentation]. 7th International Congress on Chemistry for Cultural Heritage: ChemCH, 58–60. [COBISS.SI-ID 202043651]
- RIJAVEC Tjaša. Modelling the lifetime of PVC in collections, online lecture at Smithsonian Museum Conservation Institute, 23. June 2022, Suitland, Maryland. [COBISS.SI-ID 113980163]
- RIJAVEC Tjaša, STRLIČ Matija, LANGFELDT Jannicke, MOORE Abby. Inflatable Baby Trump – to inflate or not to inflate?. Conservator-restorer, 2022, pp. 116, 149. [COBISS.SI-ID 114179843]
- RIJAVEC Tjaša, STRLIČ Matija, KRALJ CIGIĆ Irena. Towards the development of a damage function for poly(vinyl chloride). Cutting Edge 2021: scientific conference for young researchers: independent in science, 16. September 2021, Ljubljana, Slovenia (p. 110). [COBISS.SI-ID 77513475]
- RIJAVEC Tjaša, KRAŠEVEC Ida, STRLIČ Matija, KRALJ CIGIĆ Irena. Development of analytical methods to characterise PVC degradation. 26th Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Chemical Society, 16.-18. September 2020, Portorose, Slovenia (p. 157). [COBISS.SI-ID 31970819]
Socio-economical impact:
- DACINGER Renata, PREŠERN Petra, STRLIČ Matija, MALEŠIČ Jasna, MAHGOUB Hend, HUMAR Miha, RIJAVEC Tjaša, ŠKORJA Simona, POK Špela (2024). Ohranjanje preteklosti – dediščinska znanost. Radiotelevizija Slovenija javni zavod. [COBISS.SI-ID 214182659]
- KUS Ajda, STRLIČ Matija, RIJAVEC Tjaša, PAOLIN Emma. Xkurzija: Laboratorij dediščinske znanosti. Published 2024. [COBISS.SI-ID 208302083]
- RIJAVEC, Tjaša (intervjuvanec). Plastika je naša kulturna dediščina. Delo. [Tiskana izd.]. 11. apr. 2024, leto 66, št. 84, str. 15, portret. ISSN 0350-7521. [COBISS.SI-ID 200980483]