HSLL delegates Professor Dr Matija Strlič, Professor Dr Abdelrazek Elnaggar and Dr Hassan Ebeid, visited the Ain Shams University (Egypt) last week for a high-profile meeting with Professor Dr Mohamed Ayman Saleh, the Vice President of for Postgraduate Studies and Research, and the German delegation of Philipps-University Marburg, the Gotha Library, and the Halle Library, in the presence of H.E. Mr. Sašo Podlesnik, Ambassador of the State of Slovenia to the Arab Republic of Egypt, and the former Egyptian Minister of Antiquities, Professor Dr Mamdoh El-Damaty.

Professor Dr Matija Strlič discussed with both Professor Dr Albrecht Fuess, Head of the Center for Near and Middle Eastern Studies at the Philipps-University Marburg (Germany) and colleagues at the Ain Shams University, the potential for University of Ljubljana to join a master program on digitization and preservation of epigraphic (written), heritage, initiated by Egyptian and German partners. As part of the round table on conservation of the archival collections at Ain Shams University, Professor Dr Strlič also presented the state-of-the-artresearch at HSLL and the scientific and strategic efforts needed for successful archival heritage preservation. The visit was internally coordinated with the Rector’s office at the University of Ljubljana.