Stable Funding Grant Awarded to HSLL

The Heritage Science Lab Ljubljana was recently awarded a stable funding grant in what was an exceptionally competitive call managed by the University of Ljubljana. So-called Programme Group funding is made available to research groups with evidence of sustained excellence demonstrated through grant funding, as well as academic, professional, industrial, artistic and public engagement impact. 

The Programme Group “N-DAD: Non-destructive Analysis and Diagnostics” addresses key challenges in analytical chemistry, such as non-destructive spatially resolved analysis and data-driven diagnostics. By (i) focussing on analytical problems associated with extreme compositional and structural complexity, whether in materials research, environment, food industry, pharmaceuticals or cultural heritage, (ii) working in partnership with numerous world-leading institutions and (iii) aligning with the needs of European Research Infrastructures, N-DAD will represent a powerhouse of research and impact in analytical chemistry in and far beyond Slovenia.

This has been the first Programme Group award won by a team led by the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of the University of Ljubljana since 2009.

Programme Group funding will support two full-time researchers over a period of 6 years. Such long-term funding  is particularly necessary in fundamental research and will allow us to focus better on the development of skills and knowledge in support of our diverse portfolio of funded research, knowledge transfer and public engagement.  

Please visit the Programme Group website for more information.