Year: 2024

Promotion of the scientific monography Up Close in Ljubljana and in Zagreb

The scientific monography Od blizu / Izbliza / Up Close: Preservation, Protection, and Conservation-Restoration of Modern and Contemporary Works of Art, was published in May 2024, in connection with the exhibitions of the same name at the  Modern Gallery in Ljubljana (22. 12. 2022–15. 4. 2023) and at the  Museum of Contemporary Art in Zagreb (28. 5.–25. …

Promotion of the scientific monography Up Close in Ljubljana and in Zagreb Read More »

NextGenHS – Next generation analytical tools for heritage science

Figure 1: Through interdisciplinary method development (involving the entire analytical pipeline from question framing, sampling, calibration, metrology, validation, interpretation), NextGenHS will develop four new analytical infrastructure facilities (LABs) offered for international access through E-RIHS. In heritage science, analytical tools play a key enabling role. Understanding the extreme compositional and structural complexity of historic objects, specifically …

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The project BArCH-Wood, carried out as part of Eutopia network and University of Ljubljana student research initiatives, brings together 8 students and 5 mentors, representing five different departments and three Schools at University of Ljubljana. The interdisciplinary team consists of archaeological, chemical, wood science and pedological researchers. Their aim is to study the impact of environmental …

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The project BArCH-Wood, carried out as part of Eutopia network and University of Ljubljana student research initiatives, brings together 8 students and 5 mentors, representing five different departments and three Schools at University of Ljubljana. The interdisciplinary team consists of archaeological, chemical, wood science and pedological researchers. Their aim is to study the impact of …

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HSLL Shares Insights on Knowledge Transfer for Green Transition

On May 22nd, 2024, Ibrahim Elrefaey, a researcher and PhD student at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Heritage Science Laboratory Ljubljana (HSLL) at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, participated as a panelist at the 13th Africa Day International Conference in Ljubljana. The conference, organized by the Ministry of Foreign …

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A review on VOCs in heritage environments

Indoor air quality in heritage environments is firmly in the focus of scientific research, particularly with regard to the presence and effects of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These compounds can come from a variety of sources, including objects, furnishings, visitors, staff and even olfactory exhibitions. The review paper by the PhD student Emma Paolin and …

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Launch of ICCROM Register of Heritage Samples Archives

The ICCROM Register of Heritage Samples Archives was officially launched on May 15, 2024. This major initiative, developed as part of the ICCROM Heritage Samples Archives Initiative (HSAI), aims to raise awareness of the importance of heritage sample collections as an invaluable resource for scientific research. The register currently comprises 18 archives from 15 renowned …

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HSLL Oddy Test Compares Favourably, Confirms Interlaboratory Study

In a large-scale collaborative effort, researchers from seven European heritage research institutions conducted a comprehensive investigation into the variations of Oddy test protocols. The results of this study, published in the Heritage Science journal, shed light on key factors that influence the reliability and consistency of this widely used method. Introduced in 1973, the Oddy …

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Tjaša Rijavec Wins the L’Oreal – UNESCO »For Women in Science« Award

L’Oréal Adria and the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO presented the L’Oréal-UNESCO National Programme “For Women in Science” 2024 Awards yesterday. For 18 years, the programme has been highlighting the importance and role of women in science and rewarding their scientific excellence. The prize was awarded to three promising young researchers, chemist Tjaša Rijavec, physicist …

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