Within the project IPERION HS and the European Infrastructure for Heritage Science, the HSLL coordinates an important outreach and training activity, the #HSAcademy. The Academy will bring together events and activities such as webinars, online presentations and videos, online training material, as well as point to more formally organised training such as Summer Schools and Training Camps organised by the project IPERION HS. In the fullness of time, the #HSAcademy will present a full offer of activities, including face-to-face ones, to infrastructure users.

On 21 April, the #HSAcademy webinar series kicked off with an extremely well attended (~300 participants) presentation given by Matija Strlic and Jana Striova, on “Heritage Science and IPERION HS”. The presentation consists of a critical look at the development of the heritage science domain and its specificities, such as the type of science it does, the way it interacts with other fields of science and the way that interdisciplinary and collaborative research needs to be carried out in order to be successful and impactful. The second part of the presentation focuses on the offer of facilities within the IPERION HS infrastructure project and how it can be accessed by researchers.
The motivation is that the webinars become a key source of state-of-the-art information on heritage science research, facilities, policy and impact. With the webinars and the #HSAcademy, we plan to contribute to the development of a vibrant heritage science community and everyone involved in interdisciplinary heritage research is invited to attend.
The 2020 programme is available here. The recording of the first webinar is now available on YouTube.