The Development Committee of the University of Ljubljana awarded the HSLL-led a proposal to develop an Interdisciplinary Network on the topic of Cultural Heritage and Climate Change, starting on 1 Oct 2021.
The network consists of 11 Faculties and 16 researchers with backgrounds as different as architecture and chemistry, civil engineering and economics. The main aim of the grant is to fund activities in preparation for submission of Horizon Europe grant applications in the broad domain of heritage science and climate change.
Prof. dr. Matija Strlic, the grant lead, said “there is already considerable research and coordination activity under way in the broad domain of heritage science at the University. Our partnership in the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS) is opening doors and developing research partnerships across Europe. The new grant will allow us to fast-track coordination activities across the University and support researchers as they build international networks on a topic of major global importance.”
The Interdisciplinary Network Project can fund training and development activities, travel and event organisation, as well as any type of preparatory activity in the process of grant writing, all with the end aim to increase the success rate of University-led funding proposals to Horizon Europe calls. The Network project group is not a closed group and will evolve in time as funding opportunities develop.
With the partnership of the Interdisciplinary Inter-Faculty Institute of University of Ljubljana for Sustainable Protection of Heritage and of the National Node of E-RIHS, the long-term sustainability of the Interdisciplinary Network will be ensured.
Do get in touch if interested.