Launch of ICCROM Register of Heritage Samples Archives

The ICCROM Register of Heritage Samples Archives was officially launched on May 15, 2024. This major initiative, developed as part of the ICCROM Heritage Samples Archives Initiative (HSAI), aims to raise awareness of the importance of heritage sample collections as an invaluable resource for scientific research.

The register currently comprises 18 archives from 15 renowned institutions, presenting a wide array of cultural heritage samples. This open-access platform allows users to share, view and explore detailed information about these collections, including their composition, provenance, organisation, significance and value. By promoting these archives, the Register enhances their research potential and fosters a collaborative network between institutions dedicated to the preservation and study of cultural heritage samples.

Institutions responsible for maintaining these archives can join the Register free of charge, contributing to a growing repository of knowledge that supports the global heritage science community. Participation in the register not only contributes to the preservation of these under-recognised archives, but also facilitates their use in scientific research.

As a partner institution of the HSAI, the Heritage Science Laboratory (HSLL) at the Faculty of the chemistry and chemical technology (FKKT) at University of Ljubljana (UL) has contributed to the register with one of their Historic Paper reference collections; the Islamic Paper samples. You can explore this collection through the ICCROM register here: Islamic Paper Collection – The HSLL is currently preparing more collection to be added

You can check the HSLL reference material collections via this link: Reference Material Collections 

Further details on how to join the ICCROM register can be found on the ICCROM website or through the register of Heritage samples archives website 

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