HSLL Shares Insights on Knowledge Transfer for Green Transition

On May 22nd, 2024, Ibrahim Elrefaey, a researcher and PhD student at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Heritage Science Laboratory Ljubljana (HSLL) at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, participated as a panelist at the 13th Africa Day International Conference in Ljubljana. The conference, organized by the Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs of Slovenia, focused on accelerating the sharing of knowledge and technology to contribute to a more sustainable energy transition.

Elrefaey, who is also an Egyptian national, was invited to share his expertise on Panel 3: “Fostering Green Innovation: Sharing Knowledge and Technology for a Sustainable Transition.” As a experienced practitioner in the field of cultural heritage digitization and documentation, Elrefaey brought a unique perspective on cost-effective and sustainable solutions, particularly in resource-constrained environments.

During the panel discussion, Elrefaey emphasized the importance of knowledge transfer as a key aspect of sustainability. He highlighted the efforts of the HSLL, where he and his colleagues strive to adapt green principles in their work by reducing waste and using less harsh chemicals whenever possible.

Elrefaey also shared his vision for a common European-African shared infrastructure for research and development, expressing his belief in the immense value of such partnerships in addressing global challenges and promoting sustainable practices.

The panel brought together experts from top institutions to explore opportunities for closer cooperation between Europe and Africa on climate solutions. The panel kicked off with presentations from Mr. Edvin Skrt, Director General for Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid at Slovenia’s Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, who discussed Slovenian development cooperation efforts, and Dr. Lawrence Nderu from Jomo Kenyatta University along with Dr. Tomaz Rodic, Director of the Slovenian Centre of Excellence for Space Sciences and Technologies, who highlighted their joint project on using satellite data and digital twin models for transboundary river basin management in Kenya.

The distinguished panel was moderated by Ms. Elizabeth Maloba from the Global Diplomacy Lab and included Assoc. Prof. Kayihura Muganga Didas (Vice Chancellor, University of Rwanda), Prof. Dr. Gregor Majdic (Rector, University of Ljubljana), Prof. Hester C. Klopper (Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Stellenbosch University), and Prof. Jan Palmowski (The Guild’s Africa-Europe CoRE lead), Ibrahim Elrefaey (UL PhD Researcher), and Ms. Audrey Namdiero-Walsh Director of the Global Diplomacy Lab Secretariat, delivered the panel pitch.

The conference aimed to foster fruitful dialogues and collaborations between European and African institutions, charting a path toward a greener and more sustainable future through the exchange of expertise and technological solutions.

This is link to the conference info and the program including the panel

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